Thursday 22 January 2015

Boo Bag Ideas


Booing" your neighbors helps get everyone in the Halloween mood.

Some neighborhood residents participate in "booing" each other and spreading the spirit of Halloween. In this game, one family leaves a bag of goodies with an instruction poem on a neighbor's doorstep. That neighbor, in turn, is supposed to create her own goody bag and leave it, along with a copy of the instructions, on another person's doorstep. The game is anonymous, and recipients leave a sign on their doors to let others know they have already been "boo'd." Does this Spark an idea?


Halloween is a holiday that involves lots of candy. The main staple for many boo bags, therefore, is candy. Purchase a variety of Halloween candy or include some of what you intend to hand out to the trick-or-treaters. If you know the person you are "booing" well, choose his favorite candy. Include a wider variety if you do not know the person well. You can also include full-size candy bars instead of the smaller snack-size bars typically associated with Halloween.

Small Trinkets

In addition to adding candy to the bag, include several small toys or other trinkets the children in the family can enjoy. Halloween items, such as vampire teeth, small party favors and other Halloween-themed toys, make good additions to the boo bags. Halloween stickers are often a favorite with young children. If you are more familiar with the family you are "booing," include items you know the family will enjoy, such as a small stuffed animal for a girl who loves animals or a wind-up set of vampire teeth for the trickster little boy.


The boo bag can be any type of bag you can find around the house, or you can buy something special. You can find bags specifically meant for "booing" at stores, such as craft stores, card shops and some larger retailers. These bags often feature a jack-o'-lantern face or other Halloween icon. Decorating a plain orange gift bag from a dollar store with black marker or Halloween stickers works, too. This is a project for your kids and gets them involved in the "booing."


Include a "booing" poem with your boo bag. This poem lets the recipient know how the game works and gives her instructions on keep the chain moving. Find a poem online. Print it up to include with your boo bag. Create an "I've Been Boo'd" sign for your neighbor to hang in his window to show others he has already been a recipient. Use clip art from your computer, and create a Halloween-themed sign. Your neighbors will copy this sign and hang it in all of the recipients' windows.

Tags: already been, candy include, Halloween stickers, know person, vampire teeth