Monday 15 June 2015

Fun Luau Games To Play At A Birthday Party

Luau party games are a blast.

You finally selected the perfect birthday party theme for your child--a luau-inspired party! While the decorations, invitations and refreshments are all worked out, you may find that you are stumped when it comes to great party games. Fortunately, with a lively theme like a luau birthday party, you have plenty of fun and intriguing party game options as well. Does this Spark an idea?

Pool Hopper

Set pans of water on the ground. Have the children dress in swimsuits. Play music, and stop the music randomly. When the music stop, have the children scramble to sit in any pan near them. The player without a pool is out of the game. It's a luau version of musical chairs.

Hula Do

This game is a variation of Simon Says. Choose one person to be the Hawaiian Simon. The other players line up side to side. Have Hawaiian Simon give commands just like the commands in Simon Says, only instead of saying, "Simon says...," say, "Hula do...." Don't forget to throw in a few commands without, "Hula do," in before them. Any player responding to a command without a, "Hula do," preceding it is out.

Hot Coconut

A Hawaiian Luau version of the game "hot potato." Have children sit in a circle. Give one child a coconut. Play a song, and have the children pass the coconut around the circle to the player on their right. Stop the music randomly throughout the game. Whichever player has the "hot coconut" when the music stops is out of the game. Remember to stop the music often to keep the game from dragging.

Luau Relay

Divide the children into two teams, and have them make a single-file line. Place two beach chairs (one in front of each team) a reasonable running distance away from the children. Give each team a bag filled with a grass skirt, bermuda shorts, sunglasses, a straw hat, a lei and a beach bag. When you say, "Go!" the first person in line for each team must put on all of the item's in their team's bag, run to the beach chair, tag the chair, run back to their team and remove all of the items, placing them back into the bag. That player then passes the bag to the next player on the team who repeats the process. The team that finishes the race first wins the game.


Hold a broomstick or dowel four feet above the ground. Play Hawaiian music throughout the game. Have players line up in a single-file line. Each player must walk under the limbo bar leaned over backwards. After every player has gone under the bar, lower the bar a few inches and repeat the procedure. See which player lasts longest and can go lowest in the limbo.

Tags: each team, Hawaiian Simon, music randomly, music stop, party games, players line