Monday 8 December 2014

Fun 50th Birthday Party Ideas

Someone you know and love--maybe even yourself--is turning 50 and you want to throw a special party. That tired, tacky "over the hill" theme needs to be retired permanently. Many 50 and over people today are very vibrant, active and engaged in their own special interests and hobbies. Here are some suggestions for innovative party ideas. Take one, tailor it to your special person and create a memorable, fun event. Does this Spark an idea?

Becoming a Teenager Again

Consider what the world was like when your friend was a teenager, and recreate that time. Think about favorite things to do back then, favorite movies, TV shows and music. Play these during the party, and/or construct a theme around them. Ask the guests to dress like they did back then, and have a slumber party. Be sure to provide air mattresses for everyone to crash on, or have them bring their own. Collect photos from friends who knew the person during that time, copy them and blow them up into posters and display them. Make up a trivia quiz of events during those years, or set up a karaoke machine and have the guests sing their favorite songs from that era. Offer prizes or gag gifts for the best costume and best karaoke song rendition.

Wine and Cheese Party

If retro isn't your thing and you want something lower key, have each guest bring his favorite bottle of wine or liqueur, cheese, bread or crackers. and have a wine tasting party. Coordinate with the guests to make sure each one brings a different bottle of wine and other wine accompaniment. Play classical, jazz or easy-listening music in the background. Have everyone vote on which wine, bread, or other food they liked best. Give a bottle of wine as a prize and give out miniature bottles of liqueur or wine as party favors. If your birthday person is not into wine and prefers beer, have each guest bring their favorite beer (different for each guest) and beer accompaniment.

Special Interests Ideas

If your birthday guy or gal loves murder mysteries, organize a murder mystery party.

If he really loves a particular period of history, have the guests come in period costumes and serve food from that era. Play period games and music, and dance popular dances of that time. (e.g., the Roaring 20s, dance the Charleston). Have contests and offer prizes for the game winners and the best dancers.

If she especially loves fishing, golf, tennis, playing poker or another hobby, plan a party around that theme.

The Memories You Gave To Me

Make a video (in advance) of each guest sharing a favorite story, memory or humorous moment that involved the guest of honor. (This is a good one to do if you've invited people who can't make it to the party.) Parents, children, grandparents, grandchildren, aunts, uncles, cousins, new friends, old friends--all have stories to tell. Play the video during the party, or you can have each guest share their stories, favorite pictures or other memories in person at the party. You can also ask each guest to bring a special photo, memento, handwritten or typewritten story or memory to put into a scrapbook to give to the guest of honor.

Tags: each guest, bottle wine, each guest bring, guest bring, have each