Thursday 11 December 2014

Fun Bridal Shower Games

Bridal shower games are a way to add entertainment to a bridal shower. The games may be designed to good-naturedly embarass the bride, or maybe to find out more about both her and the guests at the bridal shower. Games at a bridal shower can be composed of a combination of skill and luck games, to give everyone a chance to win, even those who have not known the bride as long as some of the other guests.

Pin the Lips on the Groom

Pin the Lips on the Groom can be played in two ways. For both versions, you'll need a life-sized photograph of the groom's face. Tape it to the wall so it is placed at the groom's actual height. Each guest is then blindfolded in turn and spun in circles. In one version, the guests are given cut-out sets of lips with their names on them, and they try to place them as close to the groom's lips on his photograph as possible. The other version has each guest wearing a different colored lipstick and kissing the photo. The one with her lip marks closest to his is the winner.

Personal Information

Find out what the bride and all the guests at the wedding shower have or have not done. Do this by placing a jar in the center of the table. Go around the table clockwise having guests announce something they have never done. If the bride or any of the other guests have done that activity, they must put a predetermined amount of money in the jar. Some examples of these could be "I never had a one night stand," "I never dated a roommate" or "I never dated a friend's brother." According to, the traditional amount is a penny, but this can be changed if you wish to higher amounts such as a quarter or a dollar. The person announcing what she has not done can also choose the penalty. At the end of the game, the money in the jar is used to purchase a gift certificate for the bride to treat herself to a spa treatment or dinner out before her wedding, to relieve her wedding planning stress.

The Purse Game

Before the bridal shower, choose one of the organizers of the shower to create a list of items commonly found in a woman's purse. Assign points from 1 to 5 for each item, with 1 being commonly found items and 5 being rarely found items. As guests arrive at the party, give each of them this list, including the point values. During the shower, guests can show the organizer of the bridal shower what items they have in their purse from the list to get points. The player with the most points wins a prize.

Bridal Shower Price Is Right

This is a price-guessing game, and a few different themes can be used. Choose 5 to 10 items that are commonly given as wedding shower gifts, purchased for a wedding ceremony or found in a couple's first home. Provide this list to each of the guests at the bridal shower. The guests should add up their guesses for each item's price and submit a grand total into a hat with their name on it. The guest that guesses the total closest to the actual grand total determined by the organizer and bride together wins a prize.

Tags: bridal shower, bridal shower, commonly found, each item, found items, grand total, guests bridal