Friday 5 December 2014

Fundraising Ideas For A Neighborhood Association

Neighborhood associations raise funds to make improvements in the neighborhood or to publish newsletters to inform the community about events or issues. There are a variety of ways that a neighborhood association can raise money.

Block Party

A small community block party is a great way to raise money for the association. Many city council offices will actually help to cover the nominal costs of a permit to close the street down and have simple activities for families to participate in. A few small concessions, a pony ride or a few homemade games can raise funds for the association. If you don't want to charge you neighbors, have a donations booth with association information for people to stop by and review.

Pledge Campaigns

Most neighborhood associations put a newsletter out every month. Be sure to have a contributions page that can be torn out and sent in with a payment. Depending on how large you community is, it might be a good idea to acknowledge donors by family name on a "thank you" page. You can also do a special mailing campaign for specific association projects. If you don't ask, most people won't know there is a need.

Community Events

Coordinate major holidays with community events, getting the appropriate permits to ensure public safety. Ask schools and church organizations to help with volunteers, entertainment or supplies. Also reach out to local businesses for food donations and support. Offer to recognize them and give them a small ad in the newsletter for their support. You can also get local entertainers together for a concert in the park. This provides a venue for local talent to get more experience and most will do it for free.

Neighborhood Rummage Sale

Coordinate a rummage or garage sale that spans a block or at a school parking lot. Encourage neighbors to bring items for sale rather than donate items to charity.

Tags: raise funds, raise money