Sunday 7 December 2014

Funny Last Minute Costume Ideas

Use items from around your home to create a funny costume at the last minute.

Between school, work and preparing for the holiday season, Halloween can sneak up on you before you've had a chance to start thinking about what you want your costume to be. If you find yourself scrambling to throw together an outfit at the last minute, consider a funny yet simple costume idea. Not only will you impress your friends with your witty idea, but you'll find all the items you need around the house or at the nearest department store for a low price. Does this Spark an idea?

Everyday Items

Dressing as an oversize version of an everyday item gives you an easy-to-create costume that you're unlikely to see anyone else wearing. All you have to do is look around the house for inspiration. Consider going as a box of tissue by decorating a large, square cardboard box to look like a tissue box. Cut out the bottom for your legs and cut armholes in the sides. Make a large oval opening in the top for your head and wear a white turtleneck so you'll look like a tissue sticking out of the top of the container. Other possible ideas include drawing black lines and numbers on a yellow shirt to represent a ruler or, when you're really crunched for time, dressing all in pink and saying you're an eraser. Write "Pink Pearl" on your shirt so people can identify what you are.

Picasso Painting

If you have an old Mr. or Mrs. Potato Head toy lying around, or some construction paper and a little free time, turn yourself into a Picasso painting. Wear a plain colored t-shirt or a t-shirt with an abstract design on it. Attach the plastic toy parts from the Mr. Potato Head toy to the shirt in random places by punching small holes in the material, inserting the nub on the back of the plastic part through the hole and securing it with duct tape on the inside. Wear a second thin shirt underneath the first to prevent the duct tape from rubbing your skin raw. Your costume now represents the mixed-up features of popular Picasso paintings.

If you have some extra time to work on your costume and don't have a Mr. Potato Head toy, cut pieces out of construction paper to tape to your shirt. Draw lips, noses, ears and eyes and tape them randomly across the front and back of your t-shirt. Invite your friends to rearrange your features during the costume party.


Current popular celebrities make easy targets for funny last minute costume ideas. To catch up on the latest gossip and which celebrities are big news right now, check the magazine rack at the checkout counter of any supermarket. Tabloid magazines provide perfect material to work from. Choose an easily recognizable celebrity to impersonate. For example, consider dressing as a rapper and carrying a microphone in one hand and a packet of M&M's in the other, or wearing a t-shirt with the M&M logo on it, to represent the singer Eminem.

Disney's Family Fun suggests in the article "Last-Minute Costumes" dressing as the singing group the Black Eyed Peas by drawing a capital letter "P" around each eye using black face paint. This witty play-on-word idea works for both adults and kids.

Tags: Potato Head, around house, construction paper, duct tape, have Potato