Friday 12 December 2014

Games For Big Groups Of Kids

Kids of all ages can enjoy group games.

If you're entertaining a large group of kids at school, on a field trip, at a party or even at your home, consider gathering everyone together for a group game. Group games can give children the opportunity to work as a team and build their social skills. Look for games that are creative and safe to be played without parent involvement.

Pass the Ball

Play this game inside or outside; it doesn’t require a lot of space. Gather the children into a group and arrange them in a circle or a straight line. Give a ball to the first child. He must hold it under his chin and pass it to the next person without using his hands. That child then passes the ball to the next child in the line. Each child who drops the ball must exit the group. Repeat the process until one child is left standing. This game can also be played using an orange or any other item that is challenging for the kids to hold under their chins.

Dizzy Game

Divide the group of kids into two groups and organize each group into a line. Place a marker about 30 feet away from the lines. Then, blow a whistle or say "Go!" The first person in each line must run to the marker and touch it. After touching the marker, each child must spin around ten times and run back to the line to touch the hand of the next teammate. Repeat the process until all kids have had a turn. The first team to have all team members return wins the game. Kids enjoy this game because it's a challenge for them to run while dizzy.

Freeze Tag

Freeze tag can be played with very large groups, and requires a lot of running. One child is named "it" and must chase everyone else, trying to touch another person. Each person who is touched must "freeze." The goal of the game is for the person who is "it" to freeze everyone. The last person who is left untouched becomes the next "it" and must repeat the process to begin a new game.

Tags: child must, group kids, hold under, process until, Repeat process, Repeat process until, this game