The ingredients in birthday cake can cause allergic reactions in thousands of children.
Although many children outgrow food and seasonal allergies, some children do have severe allergies to food and environmental irritants. Reactions to these allergies range from mild to potentially life-threatening. When planning a birthday party for your child, check with the parents of invited children to find out if any invitees have food and/or environmental allergies. With a little planning, you can create a completely safe and fun birthday celebration that all the guests will enjoy. Does this Spark an idea?
Avoiding Food Allergies
Many of the ingredients in regular birthday cake are the causes of severe allergic reactions in children. Milk, eggs and wheat are common food allergies, and these ingredients are commonly found in one or all of the foods usually served at birthday parties. Changing the birthday menu is relatively easy since there are many gluten-free cake recipes, and several recipes that do not use milk or eggs. Another alternative is to skip a cake entirely. Depending on the children's ages, you can make a gelatin-based dessert or serve festive and colorful fruit skewers.
Avoiding Seasonal Allergies
For birthdays that fall in the warmer months, it is always tempting to host children's parties in an outdoor venue. While an outdoor party can reduce noise issues and gives children the space to run around, being outside can exacerbate seasonal allergies to grasses, trees and pollen. When planning an indoor party, if possible, rent space with an indoor basketball court, pool or recreational area to ensure children are able to enjoy themselves.
Avoiding Other Allergies
In most cases, preparing for food and environmental allergies will cover any issues that a young guest may have. To be sure that your child's birthday party will be safe for all guests, however, check with parents before organizing a party at a petting zoo, a pool or an outdoor venue where children can be exposed to chemicals, insect bites or animals. Some children, as well as adults, are extremely sensitive to animal dander, chemicals and the venom in insect bites. While parents of these children will be eager to warn you of their child's allergies, it is your responsibility to let parents know if you are planning an unusual birthday party, such as a nature hike in the woods.
Tags: birthday party, food environmental, allergic reactions, birthday cake, check with, check with parents