Monday 1 December 2014

Food For A Duck Shower Theme

Choose foods that look like or involve ducks.

Rubber ducks make a bright baby shower theme for a mother-to-be that is expecting either a boy or a girl. In addition to using ducks in the invitations and decorations, incorporate them into the foods you serve. If the party theme includes bathtubs, serve foods in small metal wash bins to fit with the theme. Does this Spark an idea?

Duck-Shaped Foods

Feature a few treats in the shape of ducks to bring the theme on to the food table. Make a duck-shaped cake for a centerpiece by carving a three-layer cake into the shape of a duck's body and adding a small cake baked in an ovenproof bowl for the head. If the baby shower is happening sometime around Easter, one fun idea is to make your own ducks out of yellow chick-shaped marshmallow treats. Just make a small slice in each chick where the beak would be and insert a flat orange candy as a duck bill.

Bread with Dips

Many people take loaves of bread down to a pond and feed pieces of bread to the ducks. Serve duck food to guests by providing small slices or cubes of bread with a variety of accompaniments. Cheese cubes, cheese fondue, spinach and artichoke dip, and olive tapenade are just a few ideas. Add a sign next to the bread that says, "Don't feed the ducks!" for a cute touch.


Although duck might be hard to come by in a standard supermarket, a specialty store might carry it or you might be able to find one in the freezer section. Alternately, many Chinese restaurants serve duck, so you could order one from there and use it in your recipes. One idea is to make miniature duck sandwiches with a slice of duck meat and some fancy cheese on a roll with mustard. Or you can shred the duck meat and include it in a rice pilaf.

Egg Dishes

Although you'll be using chicken eggs instead of duck eggs, you can serve at least one egg-based dish to fit in with the theme. Plus, the yellow in the egg yolks works well with the color scheme for a duck baby shower. For a simple item for a buffet table, make a batch of deviled eggs. If the baby shower is a brunch, combine the egg dish with the duck meat dish by making omelets with shredded duck meat inside.

Tags: baby shower, duck meat, dish with, idea make, with theme