Thursday 11 December 2014

Fun Stuff To Do On Rainy Days

Rainy days come and go.

Rainy days are inevitable, and can put a real damper on plans. Boredom quickly seeps in while you're stuck indoors, but there are ways to keep your mind off of the downpours in hope of a sunny day. Think back to your childhood and remember what you would do with your friends and family during a passing storm. Many of your favorite pastimes can easily be rekindled, rain or shine. Take a quick look around the house, and let your imagination run wild.

Watch a Movie

We all have our favorite movies on DVD, and an ideal time to cuddle up on the couch and watch them is during a rain storm. They are a great way to pass a lengthy period of time, and it's a good excuse to get together with the family. If you've already gone through all of your DVDs more than once or twice, make a quick trip to the video rental store. For a few bucks, you can pick up a movie that everyone can sit still and watch, including the children. To make things more interesting, look for a movie that none of you have seen, but everyone else is raving about. If all else fails, flip on the television and see if you can catch a dated afternoon flick.

Read a Book

In between sunny days and the busyness of our daily lives, we don't always have the time to sit down with a good book. Rainy days give us that option, and there's no better feeling than curling up in bed with a novel of choice. If you don't already have a book, take a quick trip down to your local bookstore and pick out something that catches your interest. Make yourself a cup of tea, and snuggle up in bed with a best seller. Before you know it, you may even finish the book, and hopefully the storm will be wrapping up as well.

Play Board Games

We all remember these names from our childhood: Monopoly, Scrabble, and Life. Board games were practically made to help pass time, and with the distraction of new technology, we often overlook these classics. On a rainy day, whip out these dusty games from your closet and get the whole family involved. A majority of board games are fitted for children of all ages, which makes them an ideal way to spend a lazy afternoon. Partner up with younger children who may not understand the rules to keep them involved with the family activity at hand. If you don't already own any sort of board game, they are typically less than $20 at your local retailer, such as Wal-mart, K-Mart, or Target. Not only will you be having fun, but you'll be making memories, too.

Tags: Rainy days, movie that, quick trip, with family, your local