Thursday 11 December 2014

Games To Develop Vocabulary

Vocabulary increases reading comprehension.

Vocabulary is essential for successful learning. The larger a learner's vocabulary, the greater his ability to comprehend different topics. Additionally, a hearty vocabulary is the basis for effective communication. If you are an educator, consider using games to increase your students vocabulary. Students are more apt to relate to the information that is presented to them through games, as games grasp their attention and make learning fun.

Find a Synonym

Students race to see who can find a synonym to a given word the quickest. Divide your class into three teams. On your classroom chalk or dry-erase board, write a vocabulary word that has recently been reviewed. On your mark, students work together to think of a synonym for the vocabulary word. A representative for the team raises his hand to indicate that the team has reached a decision. The representative announces the synonym his team has selected. If the word is a correct synonym, the team earns a point--if not, the remaining teams have an opportunity to present a word. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.

Mystery Word

Students determine new vocabulary words from a set of clues. Place new vocabulary words on your classroom word wall. Give each student a pile of scrap paper or individual dry-erase boards and dry-erase markers. Provide students with clues that will help them determine the vocabulary word you are thinking of. For instance, if you are thinking of the word "frightening," provide clues such as, "it is located on the word wall; it begins with the letter 'f'; it has three syllables; it's another word for 'scary'." Once a student determines the word, she writes it on a piece of scrap paper or dry-erase board and raises her hand. Each student that has selected the correct word is awarded a point. The students who earn the most points at the end of the game are the winners.

How Many Words?

Students put their arsenal of vocabulary words to the test with this game, in which they create as many words as they can from one word. On your classroom chalk or dry-erase board, write a word--for example, "solution." Instruct students to examine the word and jumble up the letters, creating as many new words as they can possibly think of. Words that students may come up with include, "sun," "ton" and "solo." Students collect one point for each word they are able to create from the given word. Those who have the most points at the end of the game win.

Tags: dry-erase board, most points, most points game, points game, vocabulary word