Monday 16 November 2015

Fun Games For Kids To Play Outside

Although it can be challenging to persuade kids to give their electronic devices a rest and play outside, doing so can enhance their social interactions. It can also help ensure that they're receiving sufficient amounts of exercise and fresh air. Finding fun games for kids to play outside can be a rewarding experience for them, as well as your own inner child.

Scavenger Hunts

Scavenger hunts challenge kids to think creatively and to work together to complete necessary tasks. Compile a master list of items for the kids to find while hunting. Divide the kids into equal teams, while designating an official start and end time for the hunt. Establish an official play area so the kids know their physical boundaries and don't wander too far away from home base. Supply each team with an official scavenger hunt list, stop watch and a storage bag or backpack. Include both specific items and "clues" to encourage problem solving. Award a prize to the team that completes the hunt the fastest.

Water Balloon Activities

Participating in water activities excites kids because playing these games in the house is usually prohibited. Inexpensive balloons with water can yield opportunities for carefree fun.

Supervise an old-fashioned water balloon fight; it's fun and can provide cool relief from summer heat. Divide the kids into teams and issue their "weapons." Vary your play rules according to the wishes of the crowd. For example, some prefer that those struck in battle sit out the rest of the game, while others prefer to play until the last balloon is busted. Consider placing a pail of water balloons in the middle of the play area to allow for exciting attempts at reloading.

Toss Across is another water balloon game that kids can enjoy while playing outside. The goal is to be the last team with an intact water balloon. Partners take turns throwing and catching water balloons, while taking a step back after each successful catch. Divide kids into pairs and issue each team a water balloon. Organize two lines of kids, ensuring that partners are facing across from each other. Play begins at the designated starting end with each team following in rapid succession.

Jump Rope Racing

Combining the skill of jump roping, with the thrill of racing, sets the stage for fun times. Give each kid a jump rope while designating the "race track." Kids then jump rope around the course to battle for the top spot. Consider making it a relay race or a singles tournament for even greater excitement.

Tags: water balloon, Divide kids, Divide kids into, each team, kids into, jump rope