Wednesday 3 December 2014

Free Alplabet Games For Kids

Learning letters can be fun.

Before children begin school, many of them can already recite the alphabet. Once they reach kindergarten, children begin to learn recognize the letters and know what sounds they make. They also learn print letters and write their names. All of these skills add up to a lot of memorization; however, you can reinforce alphabet lessons by engaging children in free teaching games that require nothing more than a pen and paper to play.

Alphabet Bingo

Alphabet Bingo teaches children to recognize letters. To play this game you will need to construct bingo boards for each child. Hand each child a piece of paper and a pen. Ask them to create boxes; six across and six down. Then ask them to print one letter in each box. Every child's board must be different. Call out letters of the alphabet. If a child has that letter on his board, he must draw a check mark on that square. The first child to check off squares on his board all the way across, down or diagonally wins the game.

Word Game

Another alphabet game you can play helps children learn the sounds that letters make. Divide the children up into teams. At the beginning of a round, call out a letter of the alphabet. Start with Team 1 and ask them to say a word that begins with that letter. Then the next team must say a word that begins with that letter. Keep going until one team cannot come up with a word or gives a wrong answer. When a wrong or lack of answer happens, give the next team a chance to give their answer. If they are wrong too, or cannot come up with a word, it is a tie. If the next team comes up with a correct word, they are the winners.

Letter Run

Finally, play this free alphabet game with objects you can find around any room. Find one object that begins with each letter. For example, for A you can use an apple, for B a button, for C a coin. It doesn't matter what you use, just make sure it's something you already have, and not something you buy. If you don't have an object for a letter, just draw a picture of it. Next gather the kids up into a group and call out a letter. They must run and touch the object that begins with that letter. The last child to touch the object is out. Continue the game by calling out all the letters of the alphabet so the children can run to the corresponding object. The last child standing wins the game.

Tags: begins with, that begins, that begins with, that letter, begins with that