Wednesday 8 April 2015

Diy Easter Photo Backdrops

Holiday props can add a touch of whimsy to Easter photo backgrounds.

Professional studio photography backgrounds can cost hundreds of dollars to buy. Making your own photography backdrop is much less expensive and can be made easily with the right tools. Homemade backdrops can be individually created to match a theme or event. Using a few props can add a whimsical touch for an Easter background, as well as other holidays such as Christmas, Thanksgiving and more. Does this Spark an idea?


Fabric Background

1. Use soap and water to wash the fabric to be dyed. Be sure all soap is thoroughly rinsed from the fabric.

2. Add Rit dye to two cups of very hot water. Stir thoroughly to be sure the dye is completely dissolved. This prevents a spotty finish.

3. For a tie-dyed background, gather and bunch the fabric. Use the rubber bands or twine to tie the fabric in random places. Continuing gathering and bunching until the fabric is a big, loose ball. For a smoother, more even finish, leave the fabric untied.

4. Fill the plastic tub halfway with hot water. For the deepest color, use water that is 140' F. Add one cup of salt and stir to dissolve. Add the fabric and carefully pour in the dye. Use the stick or PVC pipe to stir the mixture, making sure all the fabric is covered with dye. Use the rubber gloves if you choose to stir the mixture by hand. Allow the fabric to remain in the dye bath for at least a half an hour.

5. Pour out the dye bath and rinse the fabric, changing the water often, until the water runs clear. Remove any rubber bands or twin and allow fabric to dry completely.

Prepare the Photo Area

6. Hang your new backdrop in an area where the fabric covers the background. Allow the fabric to drape naturally on the floor.

7. Place the garden bench in the fabric background, taking care to cover the floor under the bench with fabric.

8. Add Easter props such as Easter baskets, plastic eggs of all sizes or stuffed bunnies. Allow the subject to be photographed with personal items such as holding his or her own Easter basket or pet bunny. Tiny chicks made from feathers, available from most party and craft stores, look realistic when photographed in the subject's hand.

Tags: rubber bands, stir mixture