18th birthday ideas for an 18 year old
On the special 18th birthday, a boy passes from childhood into adulthood and deserves a memorable party to mark the occasion. Collaborating with some of his closest friends can not only take pressure off of the main party planner, but they'll probably have valuable insights that may have otherwise gone overlooked. No matter the style of celebration, a well planned party will ensure the birthday boy appreciates the effort and memories it created for years to come, so begin planning well in advance and consider some of the following ideas. Does this Spark an idea?
The Surprise Birthday Party
For an 18th birthday, a surprise party provides the opportunity to set-up the surprise factor like no other birthday can. Friends and relatives can begin weeks in advance by reminding the soon-to-be voter that they'll no longer be a child and won't be getting any childish party. Instead, they can look forward to passing a quiet evening at dinner with close relatives. If choosing to carry the surprise through dinner, have everyone gathered at home to surprise him after the quiet dinner.
The Theme Party
Themed party
Depending on the teens personality and interests, a theme party can set the mood. A tropical luau style party, a scavenger hunt for items that minors cannot legally obtain, such as cigars and lottery tickets, or a Las Vegas style casino night complete with showgirls and roulette dealers could impress him. A murder mystery party with the birthday boy as prime suspect and facing an adult trial will put a twist on the evening while reminding him of his new adult status.
The VIP Party
Vip party
The VIP party will provide a memorable evening for everyone involved. The exact itinerary will depend largely on his interests, likes and dislikes. Ninety-nine percent of 18 year old party-goers enjoy limousine service, the other 1 percent lie about it, so consider the VIP party without limo service to the chosen destinations of the evening incomplete . Many nightclubs will host some sort of 18+ night, and offer VIP section seating at no charge to birthday goers. Casinos that allow 18 year-old's through the doors provide similar ambiance. Other possible destinations for a VIP party would include limousine service to his favorite sports team event, an upscale restaurant, or his favorite concert or orchestra.
Tags: 18th birthday, Birthday Party, limousine service, party will