Friday, 3 October 2014

Birthday Party Ideas For Young Teenagers

Fun themes make birthday parties special and memorable.

Planning a birthday party for your teenage son or daughter doesn't have to be difficult. Most teens are perfectly happy just sitting around and hanging out with their friends. The best thing you can do for their party is give them a fun and unique place where they can do just that. Let your teen be part of the party planning discussions and take their input into consideration while you prepare for their special day. Does this Spark an idea?

Movie Party

Turn a room in your house or even your backyard into a mini-movie theater by renting a digital projector and projection screen. If necessary, rent some chairs from your local party rental store and set up rows of seats for all of the guests. For another touch of authenticity, rent a popcorn popping machine and hand out bags of freshly popped popcorn. Most wholesale foods stores sell cinema concession-stand-style boxes of candy---purchase a wide variety of them for your guests and set up your own "concession stand" with candy and soft drinks. Don't forget to buy your teen's favorite films for the screening.

Beach Party

If your teen's birthday happens to be in the warm spring and summer months, a beach-themed party is the way to go. The ideal setting, of course, is a beach but you can easily hold this party by a lake or even in your backyard. Wherever you decide to host the party, be sure to buy tiki torches and other tropical decor. If you are hosting the party by a lake, buy the citronella-style tiki torches to help with insect control. If you or someone you know has any experience with whole pig roasts, a roasted pig makes a tasty and unique main course. Otherwise, a regular barbecue will do---just be sure to add a tropical twist to whatever you decide to grill. Marinate meats in citrus juices and zesty spices. Serve refreshing tropical drinks in brightly colored plastic stemware and don't forget the miniature paper umbrellas.

Retro Party

Sit down with your teen and pick a decade that will be the theme of the party. Popular choices are 60s, 70s and 80s parties, though recent years have seen a rise in popularity of 90s parties, as well. Depending on the decade you choose, you will most likely have to visit your local party rental shop. For the 60s, you will want to rent black lights, a disco ball for the 70s and neon lighting for the 80s. Once you have decided on a decade, be sure to tell your guests to dress according to the trends of the time. You will want to get lots of popular music from the era, too. Really impress your guests and serve food that was made popular during the decade you decide on. For example, sushi was a very trendy food during the 80s.

Tags: your teen, your guests, even your, even your backyard, local party, local party rental