Tuesday 10 March 2015

Different Styles To Dye Hair

Dyeing your hair is an easy way to change your appearance, and you can always switch to your natural hair color if you don't like it. No matter how you plan to dye your hair, choosing colors that work for you, will look best. Whether you're dyeing your hair to match your skin tone, your eye color or add a lighter shade to your tresses, take time to consider your how the color will affect your features. If you're using permanent color it's best to think twice and dye once, to avoid hair damage. Does this Spark an idea?

Basic Dyeing Rules

The easiest way to ensure that dyeing your hair will look good is to stick to a color that is only a few shades different from your natural color. If you plan to dramatically change your color, your best bet is to go to the salon. But if you are just dyeing your hair lighter or darker or even the same shade, then home kits will be less expensive. Home kits offer either semi-permanent or permanent color. The semi-permanent dyes tend to wash out after about three months, whereas the permanent color will remain in your hair until new hair grows in.

All-Over Color

If you want to keep your hair around the same color, select an all-over color. You can buy any home dyeing kit in the shade that you want, but remember that the color on the box may not be exactly the color it turns out to be. Also, you should know how many boxes of dye you need to buy. If your hair is shorter than your shoulders, you should only need one box, but if your hair is longer and especially if it is thicker, than you should probably buy two boxes. The box will contain all the supplies you need to dye your hair; read the instructions thoroughly. Make sure to apply the hair color to every single strand of hair; apply the color to your roots first and then work your way through to the ends. Leave on for the directed time and then rinse.


If you are looking for a different style, such as two colors, then applying highlights in different areas can achieve this result. One way to do highlights is face framing. Pull one-inch sections from the top and side of your head; depending on how subtle you want the highlights to be, you can pull more or less hair. Dye only these sections. After you have finished, the highlights around your face should be noticeable, giving your hair a multicolor look.

You can also dye the roots of your hair or the ends of your hair a completely different color. Check the resource below to see how Drew Barrymore dyed the ends of her hair black. This look is definitely not subtle and a little more edgy, so go with this style if you want a dramatic rocker chick look.

You can also apply the highlights all over your head, pulling as much or as little hair you want. You could use multiple colors and place highlights throughout your whole head. This is often referred to as hair streaking. You could have really wild hair with dramatic colors such as red, black, or even purple or blue depending on the style you are going for. If you want a less dramatic look, then pick a couple colors that are close to your natural hair color, so that the highlights will just give your hair a boost and extra shine.

Tags: your hair, dyeing your hair, hair color, need your, need your hair, permanent color