Monday 30 March 2015

Grab Bag Ideas For Kids

Kids' birthday parties are always full of energy and little kids looking out for No. 1. Since younger children often have a hard time giving up the gift they brought, giving a goody bag to the guests is a great way to make them feel appreciated. It's also a fun way for them to keep on celebrating long after the party is over.There are many possibilities for unique goody bags that fit the theme of the party. Does this Spark an idea?

Stick With The Theme

Just like with the bag, pick little gifts that go with the theme of the party. If you're having a beach party, stick in some sunglasses or a lei. If you're having a sports party, put in some neat shoelaces or a whistle. For a tea party, stick in some jewelry and a little box of chocolates. The entire contents of the goody bag don't need to match the theme--just including a few things that match will surely please your guests. Another fun idea is to include a small craft that the guests can work on at home.

Use A Unique Bag

There are many ways to individualize your bag besides buying a pack of plastic character bags at your local party supply store. Once you've picked your party theme, try to think of any type of container to put the goodies in that matches the theme. If it's a beach theme, use sand buckets. If it's a tea party, find oversized tea cups (or a normal tea cup would do) to stash those goodies. Other ideas include Chinese take-out boxes, a bandanna tied around the goodies, an upside-down hat, little baskets, make-up caddies or treasure boxes.

Make It Personal

Make sure each guest knows the bag is just for him by adding a personal touch. You can make decorating it part of the party activities (even a paper bag works well for this). You can also tie a balloon on with the guest's name on it--every kid loves balloons. Make a cute name tag to stick on the goody bag or on something inside of it so they know it's theirs. A yummy way to personalize is to stick in a treat, like a cookie or Rice Krispie treat, with the name in frosting.

Tags: party stick, party stick some, stick some, theme party, There many