Thursday 18 December 2014

Fourthgrade Multiplication Facts

Children need to know do basic multiplication without a calculator.

By studying fourth-grade multiplication facts, children learn to multiply numbers from 1 to 12 together. Multiplication facts are typically introduced in earlier grades, but a firm grasp is required to provide the foundation for learning the advanced multiplication skills and division facts introduced in fourth grade. A variety of exercises is available to reinforce knowledge about multiplication facts.

Multiplication Table

A multiplication table provides a handy reference after it is completed. Make a 13-by-13 grid. Leave the first cell blank. Across the first row and column, write the numbers 0 to 12. Then have the child fill in the remaining cells by multiplying the number at the beginning of each row by the number at the head of the column.

Timed Multiplication Tests

A common tool for reinforcing multiplication skills is timed tests. Students are given a set number of problems to perform within a given time frame. A progress chart can be maintained to track improvement throughout the year. As new skills are learned, the tests can include harder problems.

Multiplication Race Game

This math game involves a set of dice and a sheet of paper with all the possible multiplication results obtained by multiplying the numbers on the dice together. The child rolls the dice, multiplies the numbers together and colors in the corresponding number on the paper. The goal is to color in all the blocks. As new skills are learned, more dice can be added.

Multiplication Song

Using short, repetitive songs provides a catchy way for a child to memorize multiplication facts. Songs can teach facts for one number such as two times all the numbers from one to 12 or for a concept such as multiplying numbers by themselves.

Advanced Multiplication Skills

Once the basic multiplication facts are known, learning advanced multiplication skills such as multiplying by powers of 10, multiplying two- and three-digit numbers together and estimating products are possible. Many of the exercises can be modified to reinforce the new skills.

Tags: multiplication facts, advanced multiplication, advanced multiplication skills, basic multiplication, learning advanced