Tuesday 16 December 2014

Games & Activities For An Adult Birthday Party

Games are a way to liven the mood at your next birthday party.

Birthday party games are an entertaining way for people to get to know one another better, relax and have some fun. There are many games appropriate for adults that can help liven the mood at your next birthday celebration. Does this Spark an idea?

Two Truths and a Lie

This game is a perfect icebreaker for a party where the guests are not very familiar with one another. Before the party, inform your guests to come up with three statements about themselves, two which are true and one is a lie. Instruct them to keep all of their statements believable so the lie isn't obvious. When everyone has arrived, have guests go around the room and give their statements. All statements should be presented as true. Take a vote among the other guests as to which statement was a lie. Once the voting is complete, the speaker must reveal which statements were true and which was the lie. Keep track of who guesses the lie correctly and award prizes to the guest or guests who prove to be the best lie detectors.

Name That Tune

A team game can spark playful competition between guests. Create a playlist of your favorite songs and have it ready on your music player. Divide the party guests into two groups (men versus women is always fun) and take turns playing a few notes from the songs. One team gets 10 seconds to guess the song and if they guess incorrectly, the turn is passed to the other team. The team who guesses the most songs correctly is the winner. Burn copies of the playlist onto CD's and give them out as prizes to the winning team.

The Rules Drinking Game

If you are serving alcohol at your birthday party, a drinking game can be a way to get people to loosen up and into a celebratory mood. Before your guests arrive, get a poster board and marker and write five or six rules everyone must follow while at the party. Rules could include no crossing your legs, no covering your mouth when you laugh, and having to jump up and down once when leaving the bathroom. Any time a guest is caught not following a rule, they must take a drink.

Hot Camera

This is a version of the classic party game "hot potato" only this time, it is played with a camera. Have guests stand in a circle and set the automatic timer on your camera. The camera is passed from guest to guest, who each point the camera at themselves, pose for a picture and then pass it to the next person. The person holding the camera when it goes off must fulfill a punishment of the host's choice. The camera timer is then reset and the game begins again.

Tags: your next birthday, liven mood, liven mood your, mood your, mood your next, next birthday, their statements