Wednesday 24 December 2014

Hawaiianthemed Crafts For Preschoolers

Preschoolers can make simple Hawaiian-themed crafts at school.

Hawaiian-themed crafts for preschoolers allow young children to learn about island life and culture. Hawaii became the 50th U.S. state in 1959, and it is a popular tourist destination. The Hawaiian Islands are famous for their Polynesian and Tahitian dances, foods, cultural attire and festive beach decorations. Make your preschool classroom into an island paradise by letting your students create a host of Hawaiian-themed crafts.

Coconut Tree Craft

Draw a simple outline of a coconut tree on a sheet of paper. Photocopy this sheet of paper so there is one copy for each of your students. Cut out the coconut tree outlines, using scissors, and distribute one to each preschooler. Provide the children with crayons to decorate their trees. Help preschoolers glue their coconut trees onto a sheet of construction paper, and let them decorate the rest of their construction paper with an island theme. They can each draw the sun, a beach and the ocean to complement their beautiful coconut tree.

Hula Skirt

Cut the top off a paper grocery bag, then cut several slits up to the top of the bag, leaving about 2 inches of uncut bag around the top perimeter. Cut the top of the bag in the back, and staple a piece of yarn to each of the newly cut edges, to make a one-size-fits-all belt for the skirt. Allow your preschooler to decorate the paper bag hula skirt using crayons, paste and glitter. Once the hula skirt dries, your preschooler can wear the skirt for as long as her little heart desires.


You do not need to import exotic flowers to create beautiful leis in your preschool classroom. Simply cut numerous sheets of brightly colored tissue paper into small squares, punching a small hole through the center of each individual square. Give each of your students a long piece of yarn, and have them string different color patterns of tissue onto the yarn. When your preschoolers have finishing stringing their leis, help them tie off their necklaces.

Spatter Paint Fruit

Give your preschoolers sheets of light colored construction paper and crayons. Show them a picture of a fruit that is common in Hawaii, such as a pineapple. Have your preschoolers draw the fruit to the best of their ability. Give each child a straw, and drip a few globs of paint onto the edge of each student's paper, making sure the paint matches the natural color of the fruit. Let your preschoolers use their straws to blow the paint globs across their paper. This creates a visually stunning spatter art design that is Hawaiian-themed.

Tags: your preschoolers, coconut tree, construction paper, Hawaiian-themed crafts, your students, each your, each your students