Wednesday 24 December 2014

Hawaiian Activities In Oahu

Make your own lei in Hawaii.

Hawaii offers a wealth of opportunities for its visitors, from relaxing in the sun to jumping out of an airplane. One of the best ways to spend some of your time while in Oahu is learning about Hawaiian culture and participating in Hawaiian activities. You can learn some of the skills that are common in Hawaii.


Hula is the native way of dancing in Hawaii. Through the graceful movements of the dancer's arms, you can learn a story. Don't mistake hula for the grass skirts and fast hip shaking of Tahitian dance, though. Hula is slow. Fortunately, that makes it easy to learn. You can take free lessons on weekdays at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center. You'll also find a number of hula performances throughout Waikiki. Check out the activity magazines to find out the performance times.

Quilt Making

Hawaiians have a unique style of quilting, focusing on using large appliques rather than piecing small pieces of fabric together. You'll find several shops selling these types of quilts, but you can also take lessons in Hawaiian quilting while you're there. Look for classes in Waikiki or in Kailua.


The Hawaiian luaus are perhaps the most famous Hawaiian activity and it's hard to visit Hawaii without attending one. The two most popular luaus on Oahu are Germaine's Luau on the west coast and the luau at the Polynesian Cultural Center to the northeast. Expect all you can eat buffets, including traditional Hawaiian foods like roast pig and poi, and a dazzling show.

Lei Making

Leis are the beautiful wreaths of flowers that you often see people in Hawaii wearing around their necks. While you can pay to have someone greet you at the airport with a lei, it's also fun to make your own. You can find classes at a number of Waikiki hotels, such as the Outrigger Reef and the Hilton Hawaiian Village.

Ukulele Lessons

The ukulele is one of Hawaii's most significant instruments. While in Hawaii, you can purchase a ukulele and take lessons. Pay for private lessons if you want to get really good, but you can also attend the free lessons at the Royal Hawaiian Shopping Center.

Lomi Lomi Massage

Lomi lomi massage is a type of traditional Hawaiian massage. While the word "lomi lomi" simply means "massage," the Hawaiian massage involves more than just massaging the muscles. The therapist uses loving energy throughout the massage to heal more than traditional massages. It may seem that she is doing a dance around your body, but this is not for show--it helps her to access healing energies to use throughout the massage.

Tags: free lessons, Hawaiian massage, Hawaiian Shopping, Hawaiian Shopping Center, massage Hawaiian, more than