Flyers are a quick and easy way for a club to promote itself and gain an audience. Creating an effective flyer takes some experimenting, but once you find the right formula you can use it over and over to try and get similar results.
Pick One Event Per Flyer
An effective flyer is one that catches the reader's eye quickly and then makes the reader want to see all of the rest of the information. One way of getting people's attention is to use one main event as the headline of the flyer and then have the rest of the information center around that main event. If a flyer is trying to draw attention to too many things, then people may get frustrated with it and stop reading it. Add promotions about that one event on the flyer to give the flyer value as well. For example, if you are using your flyer to promote a concert in the club, then also put drink specials on the flyer. Make the flyer a coupon that can be presented at the bar to get the first drink half-off. If you add value to your flyers and focus on one event, it makes your flyers easier to read and more desirable to the public as well.
Do Not Crowd The Content
Do not feel as though you have to fill all of the available space on a flyer with content. In order for people to want to read your flyer, something must first stand out to them, and nothing can stand out if the flyer has logos and text in every available space. The advertising industry calls unused portions of an advertisement "white space," and white space is used precisely when professional advertisers put together display advertisements. Use the same idea and allow your main points to stand out by not crowding them with graphics and other things that draw attention away.
Make the Flyer Unified
When you choose one specific topic per flyer, you can add even more impact to that flyer by choosing a theme around that topic as well. If you are having a Hawaiian Luau night then give a Hawaiian theme to the flyer. Give the flyer a theme that the reader can easily connect to the information on the flyer, and you will make the flyer easier for the reader to remember.
Look for Inspiration
In the world of flyer creation, it can be helpful to use other works as inspiration for your work. Take a look at magazine advertising and other club flyers that have worked and use elements from them in your flyers. Be sure you are not violating any copyright laws and always get permission from photographers before you use their work.
Your flyers are quick attention-grabbers that need to get a response from people, so make sure your information is organized on the page in such a way that it is easy to read and the information is easy to find. Use a standard poster organization techniques such as an easy-to-read headline at the top and important "where" and "when" information at the bottom. When people read a flyer, that is where they expect to see that information. If you will be putting information that you feel is important in other places on the flyer then make them stand out with an outline of some sort or have the important information in the middle be in a brighter text color.
Avoid printing on both sides of the paper. It is too expensive and it is too much information. Make your point and then put any extra information on your website. Include your website address on the flyer so that people know where to go to get more information. A flyer should be as small as possible so that people do not have to fold it too many times to be able to keep it. Ideally, a flyer should be a quarter of an 8 1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. If you cannot legibly fit all of the information on that size, then try one-third of the page. Make it as small as you can but as informative as it needs to be.
Tags: flyer that, your flyers, around that, available space, draw attention, effective flyer, flyer should