Friday 4 September 2015

Crafts Using Silk Flowers

Silk flowers can be used for more than just a bouquet.

Silk flowers can last for years and are attractive and useful for creating crafts and gifts. Although silk flowers are not as fragrant as the real thing they come in a rainbow of colors that can brighten any room in a home or office.

Pen and Holder

For a fun and useful floral decoration on your desk, completely cover a pen with green floral tape. Make sure all but the tip is covered and firmly press it between your hands. Hot glue three small silk flowers to the end of the pen to create a bouquet. Set the pen aside while the glue is cooling. Fill a small terra cotta pot with florist foam and glue moss on the top. Store the pen in the pot by pushing it into the foam.

Floral Bottle

Add a decorative touch to a kitchen or bathroom by placing several silk flowers inside a glass bottle. Once the desired amount of flowers are inside the bottle, slowly fill it with mineral oil, leaving about 1/4 to 1/2 inch of space at the top. Push a cork or screw the cap on to the bottle to seal.

Floral Necklace

Children as well as adults can create a festive necklace by using a variety of colorful silk flowers. Remove all stems and green leaves and discard. Thread a piece of fishing line through a needle and carefully string the flowers onto the line by pushing the needle through the center of each flower. When you have reached the desired number of flowers, clip the fishing line, leaving enough length to tie a double knot.

Floral Card

Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries and Mother's Day are all good times to create homemade cards. Fold an 8 1/2-by-11-inch piece of heavy card stock in half. Draw a vase on the front of the paper and glue several flowers to look as though the flowers are coming out of the vase.

Recipe Cardholder

For a handy recipe cardholder, glue a wooden clothespin to a small terra cotta pot. Put a small amount of hot glue about 1/4 inch from the inside bottom of the clothespin. Allow the glue to cool. Fill the terra cotta pot with modeling clay 1/2 inch from the top. Push the stems of the silk flowers into the clay, making sure the entire clay surface is covered. Tie colorful ribbon around the pot.

Floral Pillows

Decorative pillows are just right for adding color and style to living rooms and bedrooms. Remove stems and leaves from a variety of silk flowers and glue them to the front side of small pillows.

Hair Accessories

Silk flowers are good items to use when making handmade hair accessories. Use hot glue to fasten silk flowers to barrette blanks, headbands and ponytail holders.

Tags: silk flowers, terra cotta, about inch, cotta with, fishing line, flowers inside, inch from