Thursday 18 September 2014

A Gift For An 18th Wedding Anniversary

Porcelain is the theme of the 18th wedding-anniversary gift.

An 18th wedding anniversary marks a generation. This special occasion requires a special token of celebration, and with a little time and thought you should be able to find the perfect gift for your companion. For marriage traditionalists, the common theme for the 18th year is porcelain and the gemstone is chrysoberyl. There are no particular flowers associated with this anniversary. However, these specifics are only a starting point for a vast array of possible gifts.


Valued for its qualities of strength and beauty, porcelain makes a fitting symbol to a marriage that lasts 18 years. Possible gifts include porcelain vases, figurines, tea sets, dolls, plates and candle holders. Some specialty shops sell items specifically designed for this occasion. These gifts often can be personalized with your own message, dates or names. You also may consider commissioning a sculptor to create a custom object to commemorate the anniversary. Or if your significant other has an artistic streak, a gift certificate to a ceramics class may be a great surprise.


Chrysoberyl is the traditional gemstone for an 18th wedding anniversary. Like porcelain, the material is tough and highly durable. The stone is often referred to as "cat's eye" because of the distinct bands that seem to move along its surface in the light just like the eye of a feline. Its color ranges from honey brown to apple green. Historically, chrysoberyl was believed to bring good fortune, and Sri Lankans still use it as a charm against evil spirits. This gemstone can be set in rings, bracelets and other jewelry for gifts.


The anniversary gift does not need to be an object. Rather, it can be a day of togetherness or a special trip to a romantic getaway. Do whatever both of you enjoy doing. Places and events that invoke the early days of your courtship and marriage are also very appropriate.

Other Ideas

Whether you are celebrating your 18th or 38th year of marriage, gifts that evoke the history of your relationship are always welcome. For instance, a collection of photos or home movies that show a couple aging through the years often prove a treasured keepsake. In keeping with the theme of the anniversary, consider presenting your gift in a porcelain box.

Tags: 18th wedding, 18th wedding anniversary, theme 18th, wedding anniversary