Wednesday 24 September 2014

Bat Mitzvah Party Theme Ideas

THe Bat Mitzvah party after the religious ceremony is a highlight in a young girl's life.

A Bat Mitzvah ceremony is the coming of age for a 12-year-old Jewish girl, when she is obligated to follow and observe the commandments. Because of the intense studies leading up to the Bat Mitzvah religious ceremony, afterward the family hosts a celebration party in her honor. The party is a once-in-a-lifetime event and needs to be memorable. Selecting an appropriate theme for your Bat Mitzvah party ensures the festivities will not soon be forgotten.


Every young girl has a favorite movie or movie star, or simply loves Hollywood. So a Hollywood theme is perfect for a Bat Mitzvah. Have a red carpet for the guests to walk on when they enter and request the guests dress in elegant "red carpet" fashion. Video the arrivals just like a Hollywood awards night. Play her favorite movie on a large screen (sound off) as part of the decoration. Use rolls of old film and reels (search garage sales or make fake ones), movie posters, popcorn bags, and spotlights as the decorations. Be sure to have a popcorn making machine ready and popping, plus plenty of soda pop and boxes of candy, to give authenticity to going to the movies.

Favorite Hobby

If the Bat Mizvah girl has a favorite hobby or passion, choosing that as the party theme will make the party personal and delight the girl. It could be she loves a sport like soccer, volleyball or tennis. Have the invitations and decorations incorporate that sport by using sports posters, colors of her favorite team and miniature items of the sport, like tennis rackets, goal nets and balls.

If she likes dancing or music, use that interest for the theme. Musical notes hanging from the ceiling and black and white balloons, or cut out ballet slippers, pink glitter stars and add pink and white balloons.

Have the guests come dressed as their favorite player or entertainer.

Favorite Place

Some girls have a dream of traveling to a favorite place, like Paris, London or Hawaii. Select that favorite place as the theme of her Bat Mitzvah. Use travel posters and items associated with the location for decorations. The guests can dress accordingly to the location. And party refreshments should be typical of the favorite place. As example: she dreams of going to Hawaii, so a beach or luau theme will be perfect. Decorate with large, colorful paper flowers, palm trees, flower or paper leis, colorful umbrellas, paper lanterns and hanging parrots. Ask guests to wear tropical print shirts and dresses. Serve sweet and sour meats, barbecue, fresh fruits and nuts. Limbo, hula dance lessons, and a hula hoop contest are great activities.

Favorite Color

Sometimes a girl does not want a specific theme, but a Bat Mitzvah party is still in order. Use her favorite color instead of a particular theme. The invitations and decorations can all be in the color. The guests can wear the color. And, much of the food can be the color, if possible. For variety, use different shades of the color for the decorations, such as lavender, royal purple and deep amethyst.

Tags: favorite place, favorite movie, girl favorite, guests dress, guests wear, invitations decorations, Mitzvah party