Friday 19 September 2014

Baby Shower Sheet Cake Ideas

Baby Shower Sheet Cake Ideas

A baby shower sheet cake does not have to be just another food item at the party. It can be made to match the theme, as well. Baby shower sheet cakes can look identical to the party favors and decorations being used, adding an interesting and creative flair to the overall design of the party. Does this Spark an idea?

Babies and Bassinets

Decorate the sheet cake with a baby in a bassinet with a protruding cover. This can be done for a boy or girl baby, in pink or blue. If you do not know the sex of the baby, yellow or green could be used. Also, a picture of a little boy or girl on the cake with a football or a doll could be created. Another idea is to place a bassinet on the sheet cake with additional decorations, such as baby blocks, rattles and safety pins.

Storks, Ducks and Bears

Storks, ducks and bears are commonly associated with babies and baby showers. These characters can be built out of cake and placed on a sheet cake with other items as decorations. For instance, make fluffy, white clouds out of frosting and a baby bundle with a stork drawn on top of the cake. Other details could be added, too, such as rocking horses, stars and pacifiers.

Baby Clothing

Baby clothing can be onesies, jumpers, bibs or dresses. For example, make a sheet cake in the shape of a onesie that is pink or blue and has the snaps and a duck or bear on the front. Jumpers and dresses with added details such as ribbons, stitching and ruffles will add to the overall look of the sheet cake. Also, baby booties can be made out of cake and placed on a sheet cake with baby socks, caps and bibs as additional items.

Pregnant Mommies

Pregnant mommies can look 3-D by having the belly protruding from the cake and maternity shirt details added. The cake could be made to look like the mommy-to-be, such as matching hair and eye color. Or a pregnant mommy could be made out of cake and placed sitting on the edge of a sheet cake relaxing. She could be leaning against baby block cakes and have other baby-related items around her.

Tags: cake with, sheet cake, sheet cake with, cake placed, sheet cake, Baby Shower