Monday 29 September 2014

Benefits Of Smith Machine Lunges

Lunges work the front of the thighs and the glutes. Lunges can be done using only body weight or with dumbbells or barbells. Additionally, your weight training program can benefit from Smith machine lunges.


Smith machines have safety stops. These are useful if you get to the bottom part of your lunge movement and find you can't complete the rep. Setting the safety stop at the bottom of your movement means the bar will stay there, with or without you.


You can use more weight doing lunges on a Smith machine than with a free barbell. This is useful if you're trying to get over a weight plateau for barbell lunges. You can condition your legs to handle that extra weight.

Muscle Focus

Smith machine lunges allow you to focus on working your targeted muscles without stressing your lower back.


Smith machine lunges can add variety to your typical leg routine. Doing a variety of exercises for each body part keeps your workout routine fresh. This variety contributes to continuous muscle growth.


While Smith machine lunges require far less coordination than barbell lunges, it is still important to keep proper form. Keep your posture straight.

Tags: Smith machine lunges, machine lunges, Smith machine, barbell lunges, Smith machine