Wednesday 24 September 2014

Bar Mitzvah Decorating Ideas

Turning thirteen only happens once and in the Jewish faith a Bar Mitzvah is a rite of passage to show the world that a teenager is coming of age. Yet, we all know thirteen is an age where kids want to express themselves and are figuring out what type of things they are interested in. For some it's sports, for other it's video games. No matter what your teenager is interested in, commemorate his Bar Mitzvah by going all out with something completely him and completely fun. After all, you only get one Bar Mitzvah!

Make him the hero...

If your tween is a video game lover at home, imagine the excitement if his entire party was "Guitar Hero" themed. Blow up guitars and fake records purchased at a party store can be serve as centerpieces. As for entertainment a great band can be rented and a corner of the room can be set up with a large TV or projection for kids to play the actual video game. (You may need two corners set up this way so that each kid gets a turn rocking out.)

Incorporate a candy table featuring themed candy such as various forms of "rock" candy and Pop rocks, glow sticks, sunglasses, and a CD of your teens favorite songs as the party favor. This way the kids can build their own party favor bag to their liking.

Lastly, encourage the kids to dress up as rock stars. Accessories from the party favor table will only help them create their look.

A night in the big city

Turn his Bar Mitzvah into a night in New York City without ever having to leave your zip code. With some easy planning you can turn an ordinary room into an exciting scene right out of Manhattan complete with city food and scenery.

Decorate the room with a backdrop, which can be purchased online by a backdrop company, or with pictures of great places in the city. You also create different corners of the city in different corners of the room. Bring in a park bench, an ice cream or hot dog cart, decorate with white lights and trees and you have Central Park. In the next corner, hang Chinese laterns and paper dragons and have a party favor candy table with little Chinese take-out boxes for kids to fill and take home. Other corners can be made into Little Italy or the Statue of Liberty with simple decorations, pictures, or backdrops.

Because New York is associated with glamour, decorate the tables with silver or metallic balloons and confetti. If your son is a fan of a New York sports team, you can always use team accessories to decorate the tables.

As for party food, incorporate New York's finest. Make it easy on yourself and fun at the same time by serving pizza, hotdogs, cheesecake, and cannolis. The kids will love the easy finger food and it will be easy clean-up and low maintenance for you.

Make his theme party a theme park

If you can't take the entire party to a theme park, why not bring the theme park to the party? The only thing missing from this party may be the rides but the kids will be having so much fun, they won't notice.

Send out invitations that resemble theme park passes or carnival tickets. The RSVP area can say something clever like "Step right up and celebrate Brian's Bar Mitzvah."

The entrance way can resemble a ticket booth where children pick up tickets to use for the games. As they enter the room the kids will suddenly be right in the center of an amusement park complete with cotton candy machines, people handing out funnel cakes, sno cones, and other delicious themed treats.

Skee Ball machines, ring toss, basketball toss, and bean bag toss can be rented so the kids can play, compete, and have a blast. Prizes should be available to win at each game area so kids don't go home empty handed after hours of playing.

Tables can be decorated with bright colored tablecloths and balloons and bags of popcorn can be placed at each table setting.

Tags: party favor, theme park, kids will, candy table, complete with, decorate tables, different corners