Artificial lawns and landscaping
In addition to easy maintenance and year-round green lawns, artificial grass can help to reduce pollution. For this reason, artificial lawns were featured at the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in September 2008 and can be found in many rooftop gardens and playgrounds. Does this Spark an idea?
Easy Maintenance
No need to mow
Artificial grass has been a dream come true for many people who are tire of the constant cycle of lawn maintenance. With artificial lawns and some carefully considered landscaping, there is no need to mow, aerate, dethatch, fertilize, or spray for weeds.
Always in Season
Dead spots in the lawn
You will also find that artificial grass provides year-round green lawns. The color of the grass can be changed to suit your needs and can be used to accentuate areas of the lawn. For example, use artificial grass to outline barriers around children's play equipment and pool areas. Additionally, artificial grass can handle being used as your pet's bathroom. While real grass dies and leaves spots in your lawn, artificial grass can be sprayed clean.
Environmental Protection
Runoff pollution
One of the best reasons for using artificial grass in residential landscaping are the environmental benefits. There is no need for fertilizing the lawn and no need to mow, which both lead to a reduction in runoff pollution that makes its way into streams and waterways.
Tags: artificial grass, artificial lawns, green lawns, year-round green, year-round green lawns