Kindergarten end-of-year parties should be creative, fun and special.
Kindergarten end-of-year parties should be fun and memorable. After all, the transition from kindergarten to first grade is a very big deal as students embark on their school careers. Whether celebrating with a classroom of students or an entire grade level, it is important to make the most of the end-of-year party for both the students and their families.
Graduation Party
Graduation from kindergarten is a very important day as students have typically finished their first full year of school. Celebrate by having an end-of-the-year graduation themed party. There are many graduation decorations out at that time of year because of high school and college graduation. Help students make their own paper caps and gowns using colored butcher's paper. Mortar boards are easy to make by cutting out 12-by-12-inch pieces of cardboard and covering them with the paper. Then glue them on top of an inverted foam bowl that has been painted. The bowl acts as the hat part that will sit on the child's head. Roll certificates of graduation to be handed to students when they walk across the front of the classroom. Ask parents to donate food items such as cupcakes, sandwiches, fruits and vegetables to share following the graduation ceremony.
Water Day
If the kindergartners enjoy playing in the water, have a water day celebration. Provide bottles of bubbles for students to blow outdoors. Ask parents for help to supervise students in the various water activities. Have a water balloon fight, a duck pond and water slide. Sprinklers also add a lot of wet fun for students during water day. Everything is done outdoors and cleanup is as simple as letting things dry out. Invite parents to share a picnic lunch with their children and provide snow cones or other cold treats as a dessert.
Field Day Fun
Outside parties are good especially as the weather is getting warmer at the end of the school year. To celebrate the end-of-the-year with a party in kindergarten, provide students with lots of outdoor field day events. Students will enjoy participating in a girl-versus-boys tug-o-war, relay races, potato sack races, egg toss, water balloon catch and football toss. A picnic lunch can finish out the party. With kindergartners, there are no losers. Make sure to have plenty of plastic medals to give out.
Literacy Cafe
A fun way to end the school year and to show off the reading skills that kindergarten students have gained over the course of the school year is by hosting a Literacy Cafe party. Students will decorate the classroom like a cafe, complete with tablecloths and homemade menus. The menus will list a variety of menu items including appetizers, entrees and dessert. Students will list a variety of skills under each menu item. Visitors to the cafe, will select from the list of skills, such as reciting the ABCs or reading a short picture book and the student will perform that menu item for the customer. Customers will be parents, relatives or school administrators. As an added treat, students will decorate their own cupcakes to serve to their customers at the end of the meal.
Tags: school year, Students will, end-of-year parties, end-of-year parties should, from kindergarten