Wednesday 5 November 2014

Creative Pool Party Ideas

If you have a pool, your parties can be extra special with some creativity and planning.

Throwing a pool party can be a treat for everyone involved, but a party without some creative ideas thrown into the mix is simply just another day at the pool. Although that might be OK with some or all of your guests, odds are they would enjoy themselves even more and your event would be more memorable if you put forth a little extra effort and spiced up the occasion. So, get to work on planning your pool party--and don't forget the sunscreen. Does this Spark an idea?

The Blue Lagoon

In the photos you see from tropical paradise destinations, you probably have noticed how appealing the deep blues of the ocean are. Unfortunately, pools don't tend to look that way naturally. This is especially true of pools with a white concrete bottom. Those deep blues quickly become pale blue-ish nondescript hues that can take away from the tropical and relaxing feel of sitting poolside.

Before your party, take a trip to the pool supply store and ask them about pool dye. These products work wonders on the visual appearance of your pool for a short time. The dye will make your pool look like the deep blue sea, and it will not stain swimmers. Add the dye a few hours before the party starts for maximum effect. It will last for a day or two before fading back to its normal color.

Add more zip to your decor by buying floating candles and setting a few loose on the surface of the pool. If your pool has a light in it, and you've dyed the pool and you have floating candles circulating, your nighttime pool party will automatically have an enhanced atmosphere. Even more good news is that neither of these ideas will cost you too much money.

Pool Games

For a splashing good time for kids or adults, plan some pool games for your party. You can always invest in a pool volleyball net or pool basketball goal, but there are other games that require less equipment that are just as entertaining.

Octopus is a game where one player is designated as "it." This person is the octopus and must stand in the middle of the pool. Round pools are ideal for this game, but it can work in any pool. All of the other players stand around the sides and attempt to go directly across the pool and get to the other side without being tagged by the octopus. When players are tagged, they join hands with the original octopus making it bigger. The crossing challenge becomes increasingly more difficult as the octopus grows. The last person swimming wins the game.

Watermelon Race is a game in which the players are timed as they race from one end of the pool to the other. But in this race, they will have a whole watermelon in front of them and must push it along and can not touch the bottom of the pool.

If it's hot outside, wet, roll and freeze some T-shirts ahead of time and then give it to the kids at the party to see who can get their frozen T-shirt on first.

Pool-Friendly Themes

Don't forget that any party is more memorable with a theme. Having a pool party is good, but having a luau-themed pool party is even better. Try to choose a theme that goes well with a pool. Appropriate themes may include a pirate party, spa party, rubber ducky party or just an island getaway party.

Tags: pool party, your pool, pool other, deep blues, floating candles