Tuesday 11 November 2014

Dictionary Games For Kids

Kids can play word games to learn use a dictionary.

A dictionary can be a difficult reference book for a child to navigate and understand. You can help your child become better acquainted with using a dictionary by playing games that require using it to win. Teachers can also use these types of games to help their students become more familiar with a dictionary. There are several dictionary games that can be played over and over again until using this common reference work becomes second-nature for your child. All you really need is a dictionary and some basic writing supplies to play these games.

Backwards Word Spell

A minimum of two players is required to play this game. A "caller," someone such as a parent or teacher who calls out the word spellings, is also required. The caller slowly begins to read the spelling of their chosen word backwards. The players must begin searching for the word in their own dictionary by starting with the first letter of the word and progressing until the word is identified. The first player to identify the word is the winner.

Pronunciation Station

This game can be played with only one player or a group of players. However, a parent or teacher must direct the game. Each player is given a list of 10 words on a sheet of paper. The student must look up each word in the dictionary and write the proper pronunciation beside the word. The first player to correctly write all of the pronunciations wins.

Word Mayhem

The dictionary is full of long and difficult words that have unexpected meanings, such as "discombobulate," which means to confuse or disconcert. To play this game, players are given a series of long words on a sheet of paper. Each player must find the word in the dictionary and write the definition down on a piece of paper. The first player to find all the definitions for the words is the winner. Alternatively, the game can be played by requiring that each player create a sentence for each of the words after learning the meaning from the dictionary. The first player to write coherent and complete sentences for all of the words wins.

Dictionary Dash

This game is more physical and requires a good amount of floor space to play. A minimum of two players is required for this game. Dictionaries are set up on one side of the room and players are situated at the opposite end. A parent or teacher calls out a word and the players must run to the other side of the room to find the word in the dictionary. Each player must hold their finger on the word and run back to the starting place. The first player to make it back and with the proper word identified is the winner.

Tags: first player, Each player, parent teacher, this game, word dictionary, calls word