Monday 3 November 2014

College Graduation Giftgiving Etiquette

Whether it's a long-time friend who is graduating or a family member who finally completed a degree after years of working on it, college graduations should be celebrated. The giving of gifts is a time-honored tradition that requires some planning. Before heading out to the mall or dropping a few dollars in an envelope, consider these guidelines for proper gift-giving etiquette.


Those who receive announcements for a college graduation are not required to send gifts to the graduate, though most people automatically assume they should send one. If the graduate has invited you to the ceremony itself or a party following the ceremony, it's proper etiquette to take a gift for the graduate, though it's not mandatory.


The type of gift or the value of the gift many vary depending on the relationship you have with the guest. Those closer to the graduate tend to give larger, more expensive gifts. Monetary gifts should be at least $25, though the standard held by many is that a college graduate should receive $50. Guests should use their personal judgment when determining how much to give.

Time Frame

Gifts to the graduate are usually delivered on the day of the graduation or during the party if one is being held. Guests who cannot make it to the ceremony or the party should send their gifts via mail or drop them off at the home of the graduate within two to four weeks of the graduation. Gifts may also be given up to two weeks prior to the ceremony.


Money is often the preferred graduation gift for college graduates, but in some cases the graduate might want something different. If you want to make sure your gift will be perfect, consult with the graduate's friends and family to find out if a gift you are considering would be appropriate. There's no harm in asking for advice if you don't want to give money to the graduate.

Thank-You Notes

It might seem old fashioned to send out handwritten thank-you notes for gifts received for a college graduation, but it is proper etiquette. Thank-you notes do not have to be long but they should mention the gift that was given and what the recipient plans to use it for. Thank-you notes should be sent out to gift givers withing two weeks of the event.

Tags: graduate though, proper etiquette, should send, they should